Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Every Haircut, Ranked (2025)


  • Experimenting with Henry's character development and looks is possible at the baths, with both subtle and drastic changes available.
  • Choosing hairstyles and beards can significantly alter Henry's appearance, affecting his vibe and maturity in the game.
  • Maintaining Henry's classic look can save a trip to the bath and align with the narrative through-line in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is one of the most historically accurate games in a long time, while not shying away from allowing you to experiment with Henry's character development and even looks. One of these ways is at the baths, which you can use to change his beard or hairstyles.


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While there are relatively few to choose from, each one can either subtly change his look or drastically alter his appearance as much as a hairstyle can. While you can get away with most combinations, some can create an entirely new Henry for better or for worse.

Battlefield Perm

A choice every man faces in his life is whether or not to just shave it all off, and it's almost never the right answer. Buzzcut Henry is two steps away from a sleep paralysis demon, and completely changes everything about his vibe.

The worst part is it makes him look like a sickly NPC best to be steered clear of when he starts rambling on and on about his father's stolen sword. Unless you feel it has narrative significance for your role-play, best to avoid the battlefield perm.

Polish Undercut

The Polish Undercut is a nice name for what is otherwise just a bowl cut. This is the kind of haircut that would get Henry bullied by his friends in Skalitz. Ironically, it is only barely different from Henry's original hairstyle, but finds a way to ruin it anyway.

Although, considering the period and others walking around with similar cuts, it doesn't stand out enough to justify completely ignoring. Maybe, for Henry, it's a trendy look that he wants to try out to forget that his family was murdered.

Eastern Influence

The Eastern Influence is one of those hairstyles you find in almost any game with character customization. Aside from nearly becoming a cliché, it's used often simply because it is kind of cool, and mimics both modern and historical haircuts.

Despite the name, the Eastern Influence gives off a more Viking vibe, with a tied ponytail and shaved sides, which has a fearsome vibe that matches Henry's skills later on in the game. Although, it's quite different from Henry's starting style, which might throw off some players.

Mother's Boy

This is Henry's classic hairstyle, the one he begins the game with and is featured in all promotional materials and cinematic scenes. This one feels the most authentically Henry, and suits him better than any of the changes you can make during his journey.


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It's also only slightly different from Henry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, where Henry slicks back the bangs for a more regal look, which mirrors his maturity and growth that is central to the gameplay. Also, keeping the classic look saves you a trip to the bath.


A mustache is a kind of look only few people are able to pull off, and those who can't just end up looking far worse than they might imagine in their head. Because Henry is supposed to be in his late twenties, the Dignitary simultaneously looks too old and too young for him.

This beard style might be saved if it was bushier or even curled, but instead it looks as if Henry got lazy while shaving and decided to leave a half-rotted caterpillar on his lip. It's not even a popular beard style in the game, as very few sport mustaches alone.

Bohemian Duke

The Bohemian Duke is like you took the mustache from the Dignitary and let it slide down Henry's face. While it's not as glaringly obvious as a mustache, it has similar problems that make it obvious why Henry doesn't experiment with his style.

Somehow resembling both Shaggy and Abraham Lincoln, there is simply no third place for Henry of Skalitz on that podium. Although you could argue it fits with the time period of the game, it just doesn't work very well for Henry.


The best of both worlds with the two previous facial hairstyles, the Troubador is more or less just a modern goatee that's one trim away from turning Henry into Tony Stark. In its current state, it makes Henry resemble a logging foreman on his way to his lifted Ford F-150.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Where To Get Lockpicks

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Arguably, this is the least offensive of the offensive facial hairstyles and lends Henry a sort of maturity that is slightly lost due to questionable shaving practices. Just make sure you don't combine it with the Battlefield Perm hairstyle.

Woodsman's Pride

The Woodman's Pride follows its namesake, giving Henry more or less a full beard that is suited to a white man from the 15th century in his late 20s. This facial hairstyle is the same as Henry's starting style but let go without bothering to trim or shave.

This can make sense as a narrative choice if you want to forcibly show the passage of time, similar to mechanics found in games like Red Dead Redemption 2. If you want Henry to stand out as generically handsome and want to make a change, this is the ideal choice.

Casual Elegance

Also Henry's starting style, Casual Elegance, is aptly named, as it is the best facial hair for him, considering how much it relates to his character. It makes him seem younger and inexperienced, which is the way the game wants you to feel, at least in the beginning.

It also allows Tom McKay's performance to shine, as it isn't distracted by a horrid mustache that wants to wiggle off his face. If you want to follow the narrative through-line from the first to second game, this facial hair matches with older Henry.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance



Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Every Haircut, Ranked (7) OpenCritic Reviews
Top Critic Rating: 72/100 Critics Recommend: 48%
PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch

February 13, 2018

Warhorse Studios
Deep Silver


M For Mature 17+ due to Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Alcohol

How Long To Beat
42 Hours

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Every Haircut, Ranked (2025)
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