The Roanoke Times from Roanoke, Virginia (2025)

THE ROANOKE TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1904. 5 A REAL PLEASURE! TO SHOW GOODS IN OUR PRESENT WAREROOMS, AND ESPECIALLY SUCH A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF PIANOS, ORGANS, Music, Guitars, Violins, Mandolins, Banjos, Call and see us in our new "home" 16 Campbell Avenue West -whether you wish to buy or not. No notes to sign, no risk to run, in buying from FACTORY BRANCH HOUSE. ROANOKE MUSIC CO. C.

T. JENNINGS, Mgr. 16 Campbell W. ON THE RACE TRACK. New Orleans, Dec.

Heidorn and Rankin were the only beaten favorites today. First race, 5 furlongs -Dungall, 7 to 2, won; Ethel's 20 to 1, second; Halcyon Days, 2 to 1, third. 1:05. Second race, 7 furlongs-Jossette, 11 to 5 Kleinwood, 7 to 1, second; Federal, 11 to 1, third. Time, 1:35 2-5 Third, one mile-Southampton, 30 to 1, won; Worthington, 9 to 1, second; Birch Rod, 3 to 1, third.

Time, 1:50 2-5. Fourth, mile and a sixteenth, handicap--Garnish, 7 to 1, won; Maurer, 3 to 1, second; Careless, 9 to 2, third. Time, 1:53. Fifth, 6 furlongs- -mimosa, 4 to 5, won; Trossachs, 50 to 1, second; Unmasked, 12 to 1:17 4-5. Sixth one mile--Matador, 6 to 5, won; Kenton, 100 to 1, mocondia Fair Reveller, 8 to 1, third.

2-5. When you want a pleasant purgative try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and produce no nausea, griping or other disagreeable effect. For sale by all druggists. Smoke Cigars.

Union Made. MORE SATISFACTION AND BETTER SERVICE A cheap piano regularly tuned and regulated, will give more satisfaction and much longer service than a very expensive one neglected and allowed to remain out of tune. W. E. Burnett is competent tuner and solicits your orders.

No. 332 Campbell avenue, s. w. Phone No. 315 (Bell.) Genuine Smithfield and Old Virginia Country Hams at Becker's.

Smoke Cigars. Union Made. Street and Dress BOOTS! Our styles are the smartest of the day--and are recognized as such by our multitude of friends. Large variety to select from. We study Shoes as a doctor studies medicine.

May we shoe you? You'll never have to leave our store to hunt lower prices on the same grade of Shoes. RIELEY RAMSEY. A SAD ROMANCE. Philadelphia Man Kills Himself When Wife Eloped With Another Man. Philadelphia, Dec.

his beautiful wife of eight months jilted him and eloped to New Orleans with a Edward Egbert, 20 years old, committed suicide by taking opium, in his room, at the Prospect House, 827 Race street. He was discovered in an unconscious condition by the proprietor, George Misch, and (sent where to he the died Hahnemann Hospital, an hour later. Although so young, Egbert had seen more of the world than most persons double his age. Possessing a handsome face and sturdy figure, the boy was, from the time he reached the age of 15 years, a favorite with all who knew him. Up until about nine months ago he resided with his father, Frank H.

Egbert, Hudson Heights, N. in a handsome home. is said mat that the elder Egbert was a state senator at one time, and is one of the most highly respected citizens of that section of the state. Young Egbert, from his boyhood, was interested in sports, theatricals and horse races, and when, two years ago, his friends remonstrated with him about playing the races and wasting his time, he became angry and left home. He wandered to New York, introduced himself to the Frohmans, and applied for a position.

After being in their service for short time he was promoted from a minor position to a that of treasurer of one of New York's largest playhouses, and was popular with everyone connected with the profession. At this time he resided at the Herald Square Hotel, and one met Dr. Caball Sipple, of 1437 Chestnut street, this city. The two became friends and spent their spare time together. Since Dr.

Sipple returned home he has been visited many times by Egbert. Last April, while a guest of the Doctor, Egbert was introduced to a beautiful woman, Miss Ida McMichael, of Milford, who made her home in Philadelphia while pursuing the study of art. He became enraptured with her, although five years his senior, and told her of his love. He would hear of nothing but immediate marriage, and the handsome pair went to New York we where the ceremony was performed. Finding his duties at the theater irksome, Egbert resigned his position and, with his wife, traveled over country, making his living by gambling.

A month ago they reached Baltimore, where they canie contact with a bookmaker named Baldwin. Mrs. Egbert became friendly with Baldwin, and they were seen together frequently. But the boy was unsuspecting until a week later, when his wife and the man disappeared from the city. A search for the pair proved of no avail until a few days later, when they reached New Orleans.

Heartbroken and almost penniless, for he had spent his earnings to buying diamonds for his bride, Egbert wandered from city to city hunting work. He could not get any permanent position driven almost frantic, arrived in Philadelphia last Thursday evening. He hunted up his friend the Doctor, and with tears streaming down his cheeks told of his misfortune. Money was given him, and he secured a room on Race street. Failing to get work and becoming morose, on Sunday evening Egbert attempted suicide by taking laudanum.

This, however, proved successful, as an entry in a diary kept by him shows. Before retiring on Sunday he left word that ho wishe dto be called on Monday at 9 o'clock. An employe of house knocked on the door and aroused Egbert. He replied in a thick and almost unintelligible voice that he wanted one more hour's rest, and to call again at 10 o'clock. At the hour stated Misch entered the room and discovered the man, attired in pajamas, on the bed in a serious condition.

A patrol was summoned and he was rushed to the hospital. "IT'S EFFRONTERY NOT TO TELL ME," SAYS MURPHY. New York, Doc. F. Murphy, leader of Tammany Hall, tonight denied that a committee representing Tammany Hall had made a request to the inaugural committee at Washington for a position in the inaugural parade for the Tammany organization.

"This must be a hoax," said Mr. is the first have certainly, hear dof it. If any Tammany committee, of which I know nothing, has had the erontery to make such a request 1t is without knowledge, and would bear investigation." TWO NEGROES ARRESTED AT WILSON, N. C. One of Baldwin's detectives arrested William Gray and William Henry, two negroes near Wilson, N.

last week charged with store robbing. They were tried yesterday at Abingdon, and each given two years in the State pen-itentlary. GIFT TO WINCHESTER HOSPITAL. Winchester, Dec. W.

Rouss, of New York, son of the dead millionaire, Charles Broadway Rouss. has made a handsome gift of linen and household articles to the Winchester Memorial Hospital. What is Logic? Logic is the art of Reasoning Correctly. There is logic in buying at NALLS Your Dollars have the happy faculty of buying there as it buvs nowhere else. ARM YOURSELF WITH FACTS.

No better place to have them demonstrated than at our STORE We have made ROUSING REDUCTIONS. Act quickly before the chance escapes. It is like finding money to get such good goods at such extremely LOW PRICES. C. M.

NALLS, 122 and 126 Campbell Avenue. BRAMWELL NEWS. Aunual Banquet of McDowell Medical Society- -Personal Mention. Bramwell, W. Dec.

-The annual banquet of the McDowell County Medical Society was given at the North Fork Hotel, which proved a great success. Mayor Lester G. Toney made an address of welcome. Dr. J.

B. Kirk acted as toastmaster. The following toasts were responded to: "History of Our Society," by Dr. A. Stone; "Future of the Society," W.

Preston; "New Members," Dr. E. F. Peters: "Pioneer." Dr. P.

H. Killey; "Elkhorn to Newcomer," Dr. S. H. Neal; "the a.

Ladies," Dr. L. H. Clark; "From Wyoming," Dr. G.

T. Thornhill; "The Doctor from Tug," Dr. R. V. Shanklin.

The members present and participating were: Drs. J. B. Kirk, W. P.

H. Killey, Vivian; Elishorn. Preston, Keystone; G. T. Thornhill, Giatto; A.

Stone, Worth; H. Clark, Kyle; W. L. Johnston, McDowell; J. L.

Sameth, Welch; H. B. Stone, Worth, R. V. Shanklin, Gary; A.

M. Spangler, Page; W. E. Cook, Algoma, and E. 0.

Thornhill, Eckman. elaborate menu was prepared under the auspices of the well known caterer, Mr. W. I. Overstreet, proprietor of North Fork Hotel.

After the banquet a german was given, at which the wives of the doctors participated. Miss Mettie Overstreet, of Bramwell, is visiting her brother, at North Fork W. J. De Long, salesman for Barker-Jennings Hardware of Lynchburg, was registered at Hotel North Fork week. R.

Williamson of Graham, is this, a business visitor in town. A convention was held Dec. 13 for the purpose of nominating town offcers for the year 1905, election to be held Jan. 5, 1905. The following nominations were made.

For mayor--Lester G. Toney; for recorder-Grat Gillespie; for council--C. S. Angel, D. M.

Junkin, C. W. Wade, C. W. Elliott, and R.

R. Roberts. There will be only one ticket in the field, which goes to show how well the people are pleased with the present officers. FIGHTERS TRAINING EARNESTLY San Francisco, Dec. Jimmy Britt does not think it will be a parlor entertainment he is to attend next Tuesday, night in Mechanics' Pavilion "Battling" Nelson is evident from the work he is doing in training.

There is an earnestness in his boxing with Frank Rafael and in his rough work with Tiv Kreling that shows what he when he meets the Dane. There a moment deexpects, voted to fancy boxing; "it is all slug and wrestle, with a chance always of one of those fierce blows reaching a vital spot. Britt went three rounds with Rafael before the usual large gallery, includa number of women, who watched the mimic warfare. From his tactics in training it is evident he expects to wear Nelson down, with his body blows, which have been so effective against other opponenets. This morning about the time the residents of Larkspur were rising, "Battling" Nelson, attired in an oilskin and covered with mud, returned to his camp at Smiling Mitzner's tavern, after having run over the hills for twelve miles.

After a brisk rubdown, "Batt" took his gun and went into the foothils in quest of quail. An hour's hard work was accomplished in the gymnasium during the afternoon, when the Dane went through his usual stunts. Nelson tipped the beam at pounds, NEW CYCLING ASSOCIATION. Atlanta, Dec. Walthour, who with other bicycle riders, was severely penalized for leaving the track at Madison Square Garden during the recent six-day contest, positively announced today that before the riders left New York the American Cyclist Association was agreed upon, to become eective if the National Cycling Association should take the course that it has by punishing the ten men who left the contest.

This association, he says, is backed by several men of wealth and will include most of the leading professional riders of the country. A meeting is to be held at Boston early next month, when the organization will be completed. Probably Mr. Kerriman of the Boston Globe, will be the president. CITY ON RIVER WITHOUT WATER.

Clarksburg, W. Dec. to the four months' drought, this city, on the banks of a great river, is actually without a drop of water, except what is hauled here on trains or brought from a mineral spring five miles away. Dirty water is selling in Clarksburg for $1.25 and $1.50 a barrel, and the price of good drinking water was raised from 5 cents a gallon to 6, 7 and 8 cents a gallon. All industries except the newspapers have suspended, and tonight it is believed the newspapers will be unable to ret out their issues tomorrow.

The snow, a foot in depth, brought no relief, as the weather remains cold. One of the city reservoirs is held in reserve for possibility of fires. The others were emptied long ago. $600 DRUNK FOR MR. BOARDWINS.

J. N. Boardwins, a native of Washington county, and a prominent citizen, while in an intoxicated condition was riding on Norfolk Western railway train No. 42 last week and when between Bristol and Abingdon, amused himself by cutting the back out of the seven seats in the passenger car. As a result of his work he was arrested and his fine was fixed at $517.60.

He was placed under a bond of $100 for appearance at Abingdon, which bond he has forfeited. REVOLUTION IMMINENT. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never falls to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood.

Run down systems beneft particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50c, and that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Paul Massle, druggist. First class Cooking Wines and Liquors of all' kinds at Becker's. Smoke Cigars.

Union Made. "Neglected colds make fat graveyards." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup helps men and women to 8 happy, vigorous old age. For sale by 11. C.

Barnes. WASTING AWAY It's the small but constant loss of flesh that indicates physical waste -the gradual slipping away of healthy flesh, pound by pound, which no ordinary food seems to restore. Scott's Emulsion will restore it. This Emulsion is the greatest flesh builder obtainable. Scott's Emulsion first stops the wasting--that's one gain.

Then when it supplies new flesh and takes one back to normal strength and weight, that's another gain and a big one. We'll send you a sample, free SCOTT BOWNE, 409 Pearl Street. New York. AT THE ACADEMY. The "Prince of Pilsen" a Great Suc.

-A Large Audience. "The Prince of Pilsen" at the Academy of Music last night, was a great success, the audience being such as to fill every available space in the play house. From start to finish the whole entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed and it is by far the most attractive performance given here this season. Jess Dandy, from "Zinzinnati," was the fun maker of the evening, and his "Vas you efer in Zinzinnati?" never failed to bring down the house, and the big audience was enthusiastic in the extreme. Miss Ida Stanhope as Mrs.

Madison Croker of New York, with her sweet voice, was a great favorite, and Miss Marie Welsh as Nellie Waggoner, was her close second. Arthur Donaldson as Carl Otto, "The Princ of Pilsen," was also well received. To enumerate the various and many attractions in this musical comedy would take too much space, but we cannot leave out the song the cities, as it made a great hit among the cities represented, Miss Harriet Burt of Virginia College, was the fair representative of the Magic City. The company and is a large one, the chorus fresh well balanced and scenic vesture the best seen here for many a day. The music of the play is tuneful, the comedy business good, and, all in all show was worthy of the large audience which greeted it.

The cast is a strong one and not A scene or song or act presented failed to produce a loud aplause and encore. REV. J. H. COTTER AT K.

OF HALL TONIGHT. Rev. J. H. Cotter, the noted dramatic reader, will appear at the auditorium of the Knights of Columbus in this city tonight, at 8:30 o'clock in "The Merchant of Venice." This entertainment promises to be one of the most attractive ever given in this city and a large crowd is expected.

This will be the third number of the K. of C. Lyceum entertainment course. TAMMANY ASKS PLACE IN PARADE? Washington, Dec. Inaugural Committee today received a request from a committee of the Tammany organization, of York, asking to be given a good osition in the inaugural parade.

This request from a leading organization of the opposition caused considerable interest at headquarters. It is believed that a tion of several hundred Tammanyites will attend. The Inaugural Committee has sent invitations to every State Governor to attend the inaugural ceremonies. ALLEGED EMBEZZLER TO BE RETURNED. London, Dec.

the Bow street police court today James Wallace, of Marquette, was committed for extradition on the cuarge of having stolen stock certificates valued at 000 from Edward Brettung, a banker of Marquette. POSTOFFICE QUARANTINE IS RAISED. Winchester, Dec. -The quarantine against the postoffice at Fawcetts Gap, this county, was raised this afternoon order of the board of health Frederick county. The allthorities at Washington were notified of the board's action.

The postmaster and his son at that place had had smallpox. SCHOONER AGROUND. Key West, Dec. 15. -The schooner Alice E.

Clark, Captain MeDonald, from Punta Gorda to Baltimore, loaded with phosphate, ran aground near Tortugas Monday, but was pulled off Tuesday by the steamer Childs. The schooner arrived here today with her rudder damaged and has been libelled for $10,000. TO INSURE GOOD reliable furniture at reasonable prices, see GILES, BROS. BRITTS. MUSICIANS AND MUSIC TEACHERS The musicians and music-teachers of Roanoke and vicinity have their pianos tuned and repaired by W.

E. Burnett, No. 332 Campbell avenue, 6. W. Old phone 315.

Satisfaction guaranteed. This Will Interest You! WE HAVE A complete stock of Nuts, A complete stock of Candy, A complete stock of Olives, A complete stock of Pickles, A complete stock of Crackers, A complete stock of Tropical Fruits, A complete stock of Fruit Cake Supplies, And the best cured Meat, and Bread all the time. HUNTER Cor. Salem Ave. and Commerce St.

WATT, RETTEW CLAY'S, "The Always Busy Store." Night is a Good Time to Do Your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! Store not so crowded and you can take your own time in making selections. We Will Keep Store Open Every Night From Now Until December 24th. Waste Baskets. The man in an office would enjoy recelving a nice basket from you. Useful in the home, too.

Fancy straw-braid $1.00. Fancy straw braids, trimmed with fine silk ribbon with large bow75c. and $1.76. Fancy split baskets, round and square shapes89c. and $1.00.

Natural birch bark baskets89c. and $1.00. Ladies' Baskets. A big assortment to pick from. Very attractive and very reasonably priced.

Work baskets with padded and tufted satin lining; closed $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Work basket, padded satin lined; open $1.00. Work baskets, unlined, open 75c Work baskets, unlined, closed $1.69, $1.75. Work basket on $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. Work baskets, made of sweet-smelling grassRound and square Round and square, 59c.

790. Glove and Handkerchief Case of sweet grass, Infants' baskets $1.00, $1.75. Wall pockets-15c. and 25c. Photo letter holders-50c.

Music and magazine Very Pretty Decorated China at Dry Goods Store Prices. Nothing but what is priced just as reasonably as we can afford to sell it. Here's a good place to get choice pieces for Christmas gifts. Richly decorated Japanese Vases, for mantle and pedestal; 12 to 26 inches $1.75, $2.75, $3.26, $4.50, $6.00. Beautiful ornamental pieces, oddshaped- $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.25, $4.00, $4.50.

Bonbon $1.50, $1.69. Berry Cracker $2.25. Chocolate $1.75. Sugar and Oyster Bowl, 75c. Buillion Cup and Saucer Olive Dishes 50c.

Spoon Trays-50c. Dessert 50c. Ice Cream and Berry 50c. Coffee Cups and 75c. Chocolate Cups and Saucers-15c.

Individual Creamers-15c. Puff 75c. Jewel Stands-39c. Rose 50c. Doll Go-Carts.

Did you ever observe a father and mother parading the streets, the happy possessors of a new baby--the first one, we'll say? My, but they're proud! And yet their joy and pride is hardly to be compared with that of the tot that goes on the street with dollie in a nice fairy vehicle. Give little her. ones all the pleasure you can. Large assortment of Go-Carts, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $2.25, $2.75. Our Big Doll Bargain.

"THE BABY ALICE." Genuine hand-work jointed doll, bisque head; sleeping eyes; long curly hair, light and dark. Height-22 inches. PRICE, good as you can buy for $1.50. Famous Books at 50c. Most of them uniform with the original $1.50 editions.

Do your Christ buying before the stock of these is exhausted. Alice of Old Vincennes. The Fortunes of Fife. Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall. Red Rock.

In the Palace of the King. Via Crucis. When Knighthood Was In Flower. The Master Christian. The Puppet Crown.

Hearts Courageous. The Wooing of Judith. Jocelyn Cheshire. The Cavalier. Truth Dexter.

David Harum. The Eternal City And many other titles. Buy the New Books Now. Nearer Christmas you may have trouble in getting just the titles you want. We name just a few: Beverley of Graustark, $1.08 Masqueraders, $1.08 The Affair at the Inn, 98c.

The Castaway, $1.00 He That Eateth Bread With Me $1.09 In the Bishop's Carriage, $1.08 The Man on the Box, $1.08 Little Shepherd, $1.08 The Crossing, $1.08 Four Roads to Paradise, $1.08 Bred in the Bone, $1.08 Rebecca, 98c. The Foolish Dictionary, 55c. The Real Diary of Real Boy, 75c. And dozens of other titles, including en all the most popular of the recent publications. Stop at the Doll Booth.

'Twould never do not to get one or two "make-believe" babtes for the "little woman." Buy them now while there is plenty of time to get them dressed before Christmas. dolls, imitation kid body, bisque head, 10c. 11-inch jointed dolls, boy and girl, bisque head, 14-inch jointed kid-body doll, bisque head, 25c. 17-inch jointed kid doll, bisque head, 50c. 17-inch jointed doll, boy and girl, bisque head, 50c.

19-inch kid-body doll, bisque head, 69c. 21-inch kid doll, bisque head, $9c. 17-Inch kid "Florodora" dolls, cork stuffed, jointed, $1.00. 21-inch kid "Florodora" dolls, $2.00, 8-inch wool dolls, 10c. 19-inch wool dolls, 50c.

21-inch genuine Handwork dolls, kid body, jointed, $1.25. Look like living babies. Beautiful big dolls that look like living children, $5.00 and $6.50 Clearance Sale of Men's ing Jackets and Bath Robes. Very low prices to close out what are left. Your choice of Smoking Jackets that we have been selling at $5.00, $6.50, $7.50 and FOR $3.98 $8.50 Bathrobes reduced to $6.50 $7.50 Bathrobes reduced to $5.50 Pretty Linens For the Table.

A gift of pretty Linens never fails of the fullest measure of appreciation from housekeepers. If you are boarding, get the boarders to club together and get a set of pretty Linens for the good lady of the house. 72-inch snow -white Linen, made in Great Britain; beautiful new designs, with extra wide YARD. Napkins to match, 24x24 inch, $4.00 dozen. 72-inch Silver Bleach Linen, extra heavy, made in Germany; the bestwearing linens YARD.

Designs: Plain center, with extra wide rose border. Coin center, with large Fleur de Lis border. Scroll center, with Rococo border: and other designs. Napkins to match, 24x24 inch, $2.50 dozen. Sea Silver.

A new creation. Less expensive than silver and yet will not tarnish. Gold and oxydized finishes. Card trays, 500. Ash trays, 250., 59c.

Pin trays, 19c. Puff boxes, Clothes brushes, $1.50. Velvet brushes, 39c. Infants' sets, comb, brush and mirror, $1.00. Comb and brush set, 75c.

Comb, brush and mirror, Dresden backs, $1.69. Comb, brush and mirror, stag handies, Dresden back, $3.25. "Lucia," the New Musical Instrument. A rare Christmas gift for children. PRICE, $3.50.

Plays nearly two hundred different musical selections from famous composers. Twelve metallic records furnished with each instrument. See the "Lucia" at once before all are sold. Iron Toys. Here's where you get good money's worth.

The children can't break these. Two--horse sulky with driver, 10c. steel dray with driver, 10a Steel buckboard, one horse, 10c. One-horse dray, loaded, 25c. Ice wagon, 25c.

Hook and ladder, 25c. Fire engine, 250. Phaeton, one horse, 50c. Fire patrol, two horse, 50c. Hook and ladder, 50c.

Fire engine, two horses, 50c. Loaded dray. 50c. U. S.

Mall wagon, 50c. Large hook and ladder, $1.00. Animal Toys. The kind that make the little folks fairly go wild with delight. Crowing rooster in coop, 25c and 50c.

Wooly sheep that bleat, 250, 500, $1.00. Cows that moo, 50c, $1.00, $1.25, Dogs bark, 500, 75c, $1.00. Cats that meow, 39c. Hairy horses with saddle and bridle, 25c, 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Horse and loaded dray, $1.00.

Donkey and cart, $1.00. Watt, Rettew Clay "The Always Busy Store." PURCHASING CHRISTMAS GIFTS For men and boys made easy 11 you come to our store. Dealing with men continually, we are able to suggest articles that will appeal to them that perhaps you might not think of-useful and that would be appreciated. We are ready to assist you in every way possible. A few suggestions: Sweaters, Mutlers, Gloves, Neckwear, Umbrellas, Fancy Vests, Fancy Hosiery, Silk Handkerchiefs, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Jewelry, Until Christmas the store will be open evenings.

N. SCHLOSS Philadelphia One Price Clothiers, Smoke Cigars. Union Made. Magic Lanterns make nice presents for the little Prices from 50 cents up. ROANOKE CYCLE CO.

Eczema, scald head, hives, itchiness of the skin of any sort instantly relieved, permanently cured. Doan'8 Ointment. At any drug store. Large Palms and Ferns rented for decorations. FALLON, Florist.

Smoke Cigars. Union Made. Smoke Cigars. Union Made. Smoke Cigars.

Made. Our Specialty, QUAIL ON TOAST Smoke Hollomon's Specialty Cigar, Sold by Us. Royal Cafe, No. 11 Jefferson Street, J. A.

JACKSON, Proprietor.

The Roanoke Times from Roanoke, Virginia (2025)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.