The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)

a of Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, Tuesday, October 5, 1943 Fifteen Robbery Reports Keep PolicemenBusy Woman Victim of Assault; Various Jewels Are Reported Taken Assault and robbery of a woman, the theft of hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise from a freight truck, an attempted safecracking and the pilfering of several valuable jewels from an automobile were among the more important items reported to Norfolk police yesterday. Miss Anna Cartwright, of 604 Marshall avenue, reported that an unidentified man attacked and robbed her in front of 610 Marshall avenue late Sunday night as she was her way home church services. The man dannel up behind her, she said, seized her by the throat, choked her, threw her to the ground, and snatched her purse and a Bible on which her amine was engraved in gold letters. purse reportedly contained about a dollar in money, a fountain pen, cosmetics and personal papers. Miss Cartwright said the man ran when she screamed.

A truck owned by the Merchants Truck Line was reported robbed of 20 cartons of candy, a carton of shoe polish, four cartons of shoe leather, a case of vaseline, five cases of drugs, a toilet preparations, two cases of snuff and two cartons of shoes while parked beside the Pennsylvania Railroad freight station on St. Julian avenue Sunday night. Of the 17 shipments on the truck, four were stolen in their entirety and seven in part. E. C.

Johnson, of the Cooperative Mills Company, 1224 Brambleton avenue, reported that the establishment was broken into through a rear window Sunday night or early yesterday by a thief who ransacked the office and attempted to enter the safe by removing the lower door. The safebreaking was unsuccessful. A diamond broach valued at $250, a Marie Antoinette pearlstudded broach valued at $100, a Blue Butterfly diamond broach valued at $180 were reported stolen from case in an automobile owned George T. brief, Tooker, of 127 Carrollton road. Tooker told police the thief pried open a front door of the car while it was parked in the 1400 block of Graydon avenue.

Shirley H. Enright, office manager for Station WTAR, reported that $71 was stolen from the broadcasting company's office safe when she stepped out of the office for a few minutes. Fifteen pairs of newly repaired shoes, a bend of leather and a pair of from' biters were reported stolen a shoe repair shop in the rear yard of Linwood Tyler's residence at 913 Camp avenue. E. B.

McKennon reported hens weighing an average of eight pounds each were stolen from her chicken yard at 1316 Modoc avenue some time Sunday night. Nine cases of candy were reported stolen yesterday from a truck owned by J. S. Bell Sons, of 641 Chapel street, Young Telephone Switchboard Girl Critically Stabbed Youth Arrested After Knifing at 9:50 P.M. On West Bute Street Miss Lorene McDaniels, 20-yearold telephone switchboard operator, of 6081 Westover avenue, was critically wounded last night when she was stabbed in what police said peared to a "jealousy Miss McDaniels was admitted to St.

Vincent's Hospital with a deep stab wound in the abdomen. Her condition today still regarded as serious. A youth listed by police as Walter Turner, aged 23, of 428 Graydon avenue, was arrested by Officer S. L. Vinson and was docketed at the Second Precinct on charge of felonious stabbing.

E. L. Cannady, who lives at the same address as Miss McDaniels, was listed by police as a witness in the case. Cannady reportedly was waiting to escort Miss McDaniels home when she got off work about 9:50 p. and Turner, who had expected to take her home, encountered her in front of the telephone company building in the 100 block of West Bute street and stabbed her with a knife, the police report said.

Woman and Child Struck by Trucks A woman and a child were injured, the latter seriously, when they reportedly, were struck by trucks here yesterday. The victims were listed on hospital records as William Roland Benton, six years old, of 723 Woodis avenue, and Odelia Sutton, Negro, aged 44, of 224 Cherry street, mouth. The Benton child was admitted to Norfolk General Hospital with possible fractured skull and larbone, fractured ribs and shock. His condition early today was said to be serious, but not critical. According to a police report, the boy attempted to cross from the north to the south side of Woodis avenue near his home about 7 p.

m. when he was struck by a truck being operated east by James Henry Moore, Negro, of 470 Smith street. The Sutton woman was treated at Community Hospital for abrasions, lacerations a and contusions suffered when she reportedly was struck by a truck while attempting to cross from the north to the south side of Merrimack avenue at Broad Creek road. William T. Heffington, who was operating the truck east on Broad Creek road, was given a summons by Officers N.

J. Harris and F. W. McCoy for operating a truck with inadequate brakes. Soft Drink Sugar Stolen; Destined For 'Hard' Drink? Police Hunting for More Than Two Tons of Sweetening More than two tons of sugar intended for use in the manufacture of carbonated soft drinks may be diverted into the distallation of "hard" drinks, police theorize, as a result of a and robbery Sunday night at the plant of the High Rock Company, 201 West Twenty-fifth street.

According to a report filed with police by Samuel Silverman, thieves backed a small truck up to the rear door or of the plant, effected a breakin through a door opening on the roof, and drove away with 43 onehundred pound bags of sugar. Another 14 bags had been taken from the second floor of the building to the roof, where they were left by the thieves. Silverman said the intruders via a rear door, and that tire tracks of a small truck were seen leading from the door. that sugar is an almost indispensable ingredient used in the fermentation of mash from which moonshine whisky is made, and also that sugar in large quantities is unobtainable for such purthe rationing program, the were of the opinion that the possibly was stolen by some would-be moonshiners who are eager to cash in on the potentially profits whisky rationing makes possible for moonshiners and bootleggers. which are among soft, institutional Bakeries and drink bottlers, users allotted large quantities, of sugar, have been victims sugar robberies here in recent months.

The attempted theft of 5,000 pounds of sugar from the Southern Cake Company at Bermuda and Chapel streets was thwarted several weeks ago when officers "flushed" the thieves as they were engaged in loading the sugar on a stolen truck. Mother Stricken After Seeing Son Off for Overseas Mrs. Gladys Walden Wright, 50, mother of four U. S. soldiers now in the service and sister of other men in the armed forces, died yesterday morning at 2:30 o'clock (in a hospital at Riverdale, where she was stricken after going there see one of her sons leave for foreign duty.

She was a native of Roanoke but had lived in Norfolk for the past four years. Mrs. Wright was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.

Walden, of Norfolk. addition to her parents and husband, Emmitt Wright, she is survived by eight sons. Lyle Wright, Fred N. Wright, William Wright and John T. Wright, all of the U.

S. Army; Joseph Wright, Skylor Wright Samuel Wright, of Mt. Ranier, and Delbert Wright. of Norfolk: eight sisters. Miss Martha Walden, Miss Bettie Walden, Mrs.

Thelma Whitehurst, Mrs. John P. Harris, Mrs. Jessie Giles, all of Norfolk; Mrs. Edward Thomas, Savannah, and Miss Ruth Walden, of Nigeria, Africa: two brothers, Waldo E.

Walden, U. S. Naval Reserve, and Joseph H. Walden, U. S.

Army. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of the Gaschese Funeral Home, Hyattsville, tomorrow afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. BurLincoln Memorial Cemetery. Portsmouth Deaths Miss Virginia B. Scott, 76, daughter of the late George and Mrs.

Anna Whiting Scott, died at 1 o'clock yesterday morning at her residence, 210 Washington street. Miss Scott was a member of Monumental Methodist Church. Surviving are three sisters, Miss Nanie W. Scott, Miss Lula M. Scott, and Mrs.

Lelia Scott Boylan, and one brother, John W. Scott, all of Portsmouth Funeral services will be conducted at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Monumental Methodist Church. Burial will take place in Oak Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Agnes Rice, 39, wife of Daniel C.

Rice, died at her residence, 10 Rowan Place, Cradock Gardens, at 6:20 o'clock last night long illness. She was a native of South Mills, N. the daughter of Mrs. Annie Forehand, and the late Julius Forehand. She had lived here three years.

In addition to her husband and mother, Mrs. she is survived by a daughter, Eloise Blake, of Cradock Gardens; two sisters, Mrs. J. P. Pearce, of Portlock, and Mrs.

F. L. Trafton, of South Mills; two brothers, Jesse Forehand, of Portlock, and Raymond Forehand, of South Mills, and a grandson, William D. of Cradock Gardens. The body was taken to the Snellings Funeral Home pending completion of funeral arrangements.

Maury Night School Instruction Begins Nearly 100 persons were enrolled last night in classes at Maury Night School 78 instruction began there, but roc still exists for late enrollments in most classes and new students may apply tonight and Thursday night between 7:30 and 9:30 o'clock, Edwin L. Lamberth, principal, said last night. Lamberth said that some of the being taught for which enrollments are particularly desired are commercial law, filing and bookkeeping, Spanish, and high school English. Classes meet Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. Suffolk Funerals Mrs.

Fletcher Willey Suffolk, Oct. services for Mrs. Fletcher Willey were conducted Sunday, afternoon at 3 o'clock at home of D. A. Willey, son.

of the deceased, in Gates County, by the Rev. T. J. Whitehead. The hymns, "Abide With Me," "Rock of and "In the Sweet Bye and Bye," were sung by the choir of Kittrell's Methodist Church.

Active pallbearers were 002 Jenkins on Air For War Fund Tonight, 10:35 President Speaks on National Hookup at 10:30 For Campaigns Coincident with President Roosevelt's radio address tonight at 10:30 o'clock over all networks launching the National War Fund drive many American communities, John S. Jenkins, president of the Norfolk United War Fund, will be heard in subsequent address over Station WGH in which he will outline plans for the local drive early next year. the air from 10:35 o'clock. President Roosevelt, will be on The address Jenkins, likewise of five minutes' duration, will begin at 10:35 o'clock. The Norfolk United War Fund drive embrace a membership of 51 agencies, 17 of which cater to welfare and relief needs of the United Nations here and abroad.

Thirty-two of the remaining agencies are members of the Community Fund, while other. local agencies represented City Union of the King's Daughters and the Central Y. M. C. A.

Last February, when the first United War Fund drive was conducted here, a total of $540,000 wAs raised in a 10-day campaign on behalf of 45 local, national and international agencies. year before, three agencies- -the United Service Organizations, the Navy Relief Society, and the Community Fund- combined in a single drive which exceeded its quota. Mr. Jenkins said yesterday that 1 it was not generally understood that the war drive here is conducted early in the year, rather than in the fall. In.

latter category, for example, war there fund drives to be conducted in mond and other Virginia communities. The Portsmouth drive will be conducted early next year, Deaths Mrs. Mary Matilda Simmons, aged 77, widow of James Gaskins Simand daughter of the late James H. and Mrs. Margaret Anne Holland Sammons, a lifelong resident of Norfolk, died at the residence, 717 Raleigh avenue, yesterday afternoon at 5:57 o'clock.

Surviving her are two daughters, Mrs. E. J. Rudgard Wigg, of Norfolk, and Mrs. Burton W.

Chippendale, of Ithaca, N. a granddaughter, Miss Eloise Rudgard Wigg, and a sister, Mrs. R. A. Saunders, both of Norfolk.

Funeral services will be held at the residence tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon, with the Rev. B. M. Persinger, D. pastor of Epworth Methodist Church, of which Mrs.

Simmons was a member, officiating. Interment will be in Elmwood Cemetery, Henry August Streever, C. W. USN (retired), aged 64, husband of Mrs. Anna Silverstein Streever, a native of Liverpool, N.

and a resident of Norfolk for the past 28 years, suddenly last night at 6:25 o'clock. He resided at 3100 Bapaume avenue, Besides his wife he is survived by four sons, Julius Levy, of Baltimore, Edgar Levy, of Colorado Springs, Joe N. Levy, of Washington, D. and Albert C. Levy, of Norfolk; a daughter, Mrs.

Leora Simon, of New York City: two brothers, and George Streever, both of Liverpool, and a sister, Miss Emma Streever, of Liverpool. The body was taken to the H. D. Oliver Funeral Apartments, 1501 Colonial avenue, pending arrangements. Morris Broudy, aged 79, husband of Mrs.

Sarah Lea Kantor Broudy, died at local hospital last night at 9:15 o'clock. A native of Russia, Mr. Broudy had been a resident of Norfolk for the past 50 years. He resided at 1411 DeBree avenue at the time of his death. He was a member of B'nai Israel Congregation.

Besides his wife, he is survived by three sons, J. Louis, Sam and M. R. Broudy, all of Norfolk; two grandchildren, and four brothers, Sam, Meyer, Jacob and Max Broudy, all of Pittsburgh, Pa. Funeral services will be held in the chapel of the H.

D. Oliver neral Apartments, 1501 Colonial Fur: avenue, this afternoon at 2. o'clock. with Dr. Paul Reich.

rabbi of Beth El officiating. Burial will be B'nai Israel Cemetery. Portsmouth Funerals Mrs. Arabella Virginia Lassiter, 52. wife of Noah Lissiter, who died Sunday night at her residence, 600 North Sixth avenue, will be buried this afternoon in Olive Branch Cemetery.

Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock at the Snellings Funeral Home. Mrs. Mildred Bennett, 21, wife of Paul Bennett, lately residing at 6915 Albemarle drive, Merrimac Park, Norfolk, who died. suddenly Sunday morning while en route to St. Vincent's Hospital for treatment, will be buried this afternoon in Evergreen Memorial Park.

Funeral services will be conducted at 4 o'clock at the Snellings Funeral Home. Fire Alarms Alarms of fire from midnight Sunday to midnight Monday: 9:05 a. Chesapeake street. False alarm. 9:46 a.

Vincent's Hospital. Trash fire. 7:07 p. -Hanson avenue and Goff street. Mattress fire.

Harry N. Willey, F. C. Willey, George Kittrell, Edward Willey, Thomas Willey, D. A.

Willey, Sr. Honorary pallbearers were G. D. Gatling, C. O.

Savage, W. M. Riddick, A. Mathews, W. F.

Morris, C. V. Cross, F. E. Carroll, W.

L. Greene. J. L. Parker, S.

It Brown, Richard Askew, D. R. Brittam, Barnes Williams and J. A. Shaw.

Burial was. in the family cemetery near Gates. J. P. Howell, A.

Willey, Rationless Beef Proposed by GOP Washington, Oct. 4. (P) A sharp reduction or elimination of rationing point values for beef was proposed today by the Republican Food Study Committee, which declared that more than ever are being slaughtered. The committee, composed of a group of Congressmen, headed of by Ohio, Repre- made in a letter to Administrator, Price Prentiss Brown Administration. of the Asserting that cattlemen are being forced to market cattle in large numbers as a result of a scarcity of feed and other factors, the committee declared the retailer can now offer a wide selection of beef cuts, but the housewife can't buy them because point values on meat have been lowered.

In addition, the committee pointed out, an increase in ration values for butter has cut into allowances for Funerals Maurice Monell Gay. Funeral services for Mr. Gay, who died Saturday morning at his home, 501 South Main street, Berkley, were conducted in the Francis A. Gay Funeral Home, Ohio and Rodgers streets, Souths Norfolk, yesterday afternoon o'clock. The Rev.

J. F. Morgan, pastor of the Portlock Church; Congregational D. Poythress, pastor of the South Norfolk Conand the Rev. C.

E. Green, -pastor of Memorial Methodist Church, officiated. Mr. Gay was a member of the South Norfolk Congregation Church. James N.

Megginson sang "Sweet Peace, The Gift of God's Love" and "Shadows," Mrs. A. L. Hanbury being the accompanist. The pallbearers were William Etheridge, Forrest Etheridge, Milburn Hines, Theodore Hall, Elwood Smith, Sam Wilson, Herber Miller, John Whitehurst, Arthur Laney and Charles Brown.

Interment was in the family plot in Riverside Memorial Park. James V. Derry, at the request of Francis A. Gay, a brother of the deceased, directed the funeral. Lee Columbus Johnson.

Funeral services for Mr. Johnson, who died Saturday morning at the family residence, 921 Lafayette avenue, Souht Norfolk, were conducted yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the above residence. The Rev. 0. D.

Poythress, pastor of the South Norfolk Congregational-Christian Church, officlated, and sang "He Knows the Way" and "Eastern Gates." He was accompanied by Miss Mary Lee Wallace. The pallbearers were D. L. Cooper, T. G.

Harrell, C. W. Outten, H. Williams, W. J.

Wilder, C. F. Clawell, Bryant Holloman and W. 0. Baucom.

South Norfolk Lodge 339, A. F. and A. of which the deceased was a member, attended the serv. ices and conducted a grave service in Siverside Memorial Park.

James Littleton services for Mr. Skinner, husband of Mrs. Emily Mae Walker Skinner, who died Saturday afternoon, were held Monday afternoon at 3:30 0 o'clock at the chapel of the H. D. Oliver Funeral Apartments, 1501 Colonial avenue, with the Rev.

Persinger, D. pastor of Epworth Methodist Church, officiating. Interment was in Elmwood Cemetery. The pallbearers were Clyde Mayhew, Blanks Davis, J. E.

Anderson, Andrew D. SteFelix ReDavid and James Galvin. Frank Oscar Funeral services for Mr. Clibourne, who died Saturday morning, were conducted at the Ewell Williamson Funeral Home yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. W.

D. Morris, pastor of the Spurgeon Memorial Baptist Church, officiating. During the services Mr. Morris read Tennyson's "Crossing the Pallbearers were L. J.

Stanton, E. W. Spivey, L. B. Ward, H.

M. Portlock, Walter Pearson and R. H. Prause. Interment was Riverside Memorial Park.

Charlie C. Squires. Funeral services for Mr. Squires, who died Sunday at his residence, 1611 Claiborne avenue, will be conducted this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Wesley Methodist Church graveyard, Old Trap, N. C.

The funeral cortege will leave the Sykes Funeral Home, 124 East Berkley avenue, at 2 o'clock. Vera services for Vera Wilson, 5-year-old daughter of Thomas J. and Bertie Barnes Wilson, who died at a local hospital Sunday, will be conducted at the grave at Nimmo Methodist Church Cemetery this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock by the Rev. 0. S.

Good. pastor of the Nimmo Methodist Church. Mrs. Annie Estelle Davis Togersen. Funeral services for Mrs.

Togersen, who died at a local hospital morning, after a lingering illness, conducted at the Gregory Funeral Home, Granby at Thirty streets, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Bur- AUCTIONS SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY L. R. Powell, Jr. and Henry W.

Anderson Receivers AUCTION SALE Various Articles Fefused and Unclaimed Freight WAREHOUSE No. 2 Opp. Passenger Station Portsmouth, Va. Oct. 6 at 10:30 A.

M. Terms: CASH P. A. SCHOOLS Salvage Agent will be in the family plot at London Bridge. Joseph La -Fun er al services for Mr.

Bateman, who died Sunday morning at a local hospital, will be conducted in the funeral chapel of James V. Derry, Colley avenue, this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Interment will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery, EWTON FLORIST PHONE 26609 131 COLLEGE PLACE CORNER BOUSH DEATHS BATEMAN, JOSEPH At local hospital, 10:55 Sunday morning. October 3 -1943, JOSEPH L. BATEMAN.

beloved husband of Mrs. Banks Bateman, aged 77 years. Funeral services will he conducted THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON at 3:30 o'clock in the James V. Derry Funeral Chapel. 1900 Colley avenue.

Friends of the family are invited to attend. Interment. Forest Lawn Cemetery. 11 TOGERSEN. ANNIE ESTELLE DAVIS.

At a local hospital, Sunday, October 3. 1913. at 2:35 MRS. ANNIE ESTELLE DAVIS TOGERSEN. beloved daughter of Mrs.

Sarah E. Davis and wife Earling H. in the 37th. year of her age. Funeral services will be cons ducted at the Funeral Home, Granby at street.

THIS at 2 (Tuesday) clock. AFTERNOON, will be in October the 5. London 1943. Bridge Baptist Church Cemetery, STREEVER. HENRY.


N. retired), suddenly, Monday evening, October 1943. at 6:23 VER. o'clock C. p.


(retired) husband of Mrs. Anna Silverstein Streever. the 65th vear of his aze. Reposing at the H. D.

Oliver Funeral Apartments, No. 1501 Colonial avenue, pending arrangements. SIMMONS, MARY MATILDA- At the residence. No. 717 Raleigh avenue.

Mon. day, October 1943 at 5:57 o'clock p. MARY MATILDA, widow of James late James H. Simmons, ed and Margaret daughter Anne of Holland the Gaskins Simmons, in the 78th vear of her age. services at the above residence, WEDNESDAY at 12 o'clock noon.

Friends of the family are invited to attend. In. terment. Elmwood Cemetery. SQUIRES.

CHARLIE his residence, 1611 Claiborne avenue. Norfolk. Sunday, o'clock. morning. He October the son 3.

of 1943. the late nt was Willis and Luvena Cox Squires and huts. hand of Minnie Perkins Squires, aged 58. The body was removed to the Sykes Funeral Home, 194 East Berkley avenue. from where the corteze will leave at o'clock.

Funeral services will be at o'clock in the Wesley Methodist Church graveyard. Old Trap, N. C. WILSON At a local hospital Sunday afternoon, October 3. 1043.

at 4 o'elock. VERA WILSON, five-year-old daughter of Thomas J. and Bertie Barnes Wilson. Hollomon-Brown The body will Funeral be taken Home from the to Nimmo Methodist church. Princess Anne funeral services TUESDAY AFTERNOON, October 5,: 1943, at 2:30 MEETINGS CORINTHIAN LODGE No.

266. A. A A. sonie M. Temple, Special THIS Communication, (Tuesday) EVE- Ma.

NING, October 5, 1043, at 7 o'clock, for work in Degrees, All Entered Apprentices. Felloweraft and Master Masons are cordially invited. By order of the Worshipful Master. 1t C. C.


A. M. Norfolk, Va. A Stated ComA munication of this Lodge will be held at the Masonic Temple. THIS (Tues.

day EVENING, October 5. 1943. at 8 o'clock. Business: Regular. All Master Masons are cordially invited.

order of the Worshipful Master. CHARLES M. GRAY. See'y. LEGALS NOTICE Please take notice that on the 15th day, of October.

1943. Virginia the Alcobolie. undersigned Bev. will apple to the crage Control Board for retail Heense to sell beer for on and off premises consumption and wine for off premises cone cumption at 1300 East Olney road, Norfolk. Virginia.

COSTAS CONSTANTINOU. PETE FRANK. NOTICE have this day sold my business and trade name of Crystal Candy Company. located at 3901-3 Bowden's Ferry Road. Norfolk Virginia.

to J. B. Hubbard. who on and after this date will be responsible for the operation of said business. Dated September 27.

1043. oc1-5t CHRIST GEORGIADES. NOTICE Notice is hereby given Christonher. that I have Yiallouris. purchased from Costas Paghonis and Coorze C.

Geor. giades the restaurant business and good will at 2412 Granby Street, Norfolk. known as Stephens Cafe, and am now conducting and will conduct said business under the name of Stephens Cafe. oc2-5t PHOCION P. GEORGES.

NOTICE To whom it may concern: This is to notify the public that after this date will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Barbara H. Todd. October 5, 1943. EDWARD TODD, 3015 Nottoway Norfolk, Va.

025-3t NOTICE This is to notify the public that 1 have on this date sold the business formerly operated by me at 900 East Princess Anne Avenue. Norfolk. Virginia, under the trade name of Buffalo Confectionery, to Max Friedman, who will continue to use the same trade name and I am herewith notifying the public that I will not be responsible for debts contracted under the trade name of Buffalo Confectionery. Dated at Norfolk, Virginia, this 2d day of October, 1943, ALEX GOTTLIEB, oc3-5t Buffalo Confectionery, ANNOUNCING FURTHER Wartime Space Restrictions In -operation with the W. P.

newsprint raationing program, no advertisem*nt exceeding 14 lines (one inch) will be accepted for publication in classifications number 8-A to 66 inclusive on and after October 1st. 1943. THESE RESTRICTIONS WILL APPLY DURING THE SHORTAGE OF NEWSPRINT ONLY. ANNOUNCEMENTS 8A Special Notices 8A ADORATION-1 -Permanent, Jessie's. 549 feather Mon bob permanent.

$6.50. New roe Bide. Dial 25039 ALTERATION WORK- Wanted. preferably uniforms. Call: 3753 South Highland Ave.

Brond Creek Village. ARTISTIC PERMANENT WAVE $5.00, $7.50 nad Southland Hotel Beauty Salon. Dial 25511, MARR'S Virginia Beach Blvd. Famous Chicken Dinners and Lunches. Open daily 12 noon 8:30 D.

Phone 45046. J. E. Mart. Prop.

OIL TINTING PHOTOGRAPHS -At home Reasonable. Dial 51799, J. B. Smith. SPENCER FOUNDATIONS Effie Jones registered corsetiere Paone Berk ley 719-J before 9 3.

mi. or after 6 p. SUPERFLUOUS AIR- Removed forever he multiple electrolysis Dial 27294. Ida Saundera. 542 New Monroe.

TRAILER SPACES For rent: das. weekly or monthly rates, everything furnished. Hudson Trailer Camp. Gilmerton Rd. and Gearge Washing104 High 8A Special Notices 8A Lady desires transportation to Florida on around Oct.


DIAL 41510 Mrs. Everett. 103 Merrimac Apts. Recap YOUR TIRES NOW! Master Auto Service 20th St. at Colonial Ave.

For Lunch COME TO HERMAN'S DUTCH KITCHEN for a delicious Corned Beef. Spiced Beef Tongue, Sandwich. 106 E. Princess Anne Rd. BAY VIEW RIDING CLUB Saddle Horses For Hire 1285 Fisherman's Rd.

Dial 80760 10 Lost. Found, Straved 10 BAG Lost: stamped Montagna's Shoe Store: containing lady's comb, brush. elo. Phone Portsmouth 2733-W. Reward.

BAR PIN- Lost: plain bar pin with white enameled pansy in center: small dia. mond: reward. Dial 84512. BILLFOLD- Brown, lost by soldier, containing identification cards, transportation back to El Paso, Texas. Dial 26932.

Reward. BILLFOLD -Black leather. with initials C. identification card, leave papers: about $35 money; reward. Address 1811 Hampton Bled.

Dial 44082. BOSTON BULL Lost: with cauliflower ear. and answers name Casey: reward. Dial 26287. CANVAS COVER- Brown, 10x12.

September 30 between Leigh Memorial Hospital and 28. Bank St. Reward to finder. Mechanical Engineering Co, Dial 52586. CHECK- -Lost: payable to Alfred Hoggard.

(colored) Government check $37.20. Finder please Dial 41798. DIAMOND- -Lost from ring in Davis Grill. Liberal reward. Dial 59875.

DIAMOND BAR PIN Lost: Officers Club or between club and North or en route on V. E. P. bus, Portsmouth: reward. Phone Portsmouth 406-M.

or Navy Yard 389, DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING Yellow gold. lost Monday in parking lot located on City Hall across from courthouse. Inscription Happy Hearts" inside. Reward. Dial 45770.

DOG- Pomeranian, brown, name "Mickie:" lost in Ballentine Place; reward. Dial 42637. DOG Named all brown: size and appearance of Chow: two lower front teeth missing Reward. Dial 28251, Ext. 4398.

FORD COUPE Black: State license 67193: 1941 model. Taken from in front of Royal Cleaning Dye Works. 4407 Hampton Blvd. Norfolk. on Tuesday.

Sept 28. Liberal reward. Dial 51047. FRATERNITY PIN- Lost: Pl Beta Phi. gold arrow with 8 diamonds: lost in vicinity.

Penneyivania Central Airlines al. fice at Gate 4 of Naval Air Station: name engraved on back, Betty Lubring reward. Dial 82482. LLEWELLYN SETTER- With black heart on left side: four months old. Named Lost in vicinity of Virginia Beach.

Reward. Call Virginia Beach 441-M. PEKINESE- Lost: male: very dear pet of 11-month-old baby. Played with baby all day. Buff color, black face, blind in one eye: little sight out of other.

Reward. Dial 38687. 810 Brandon Ave, POCKETBOOK- Lady's black. gold initials lost in Baker's or Lerner'8. Contained money and valuable papers.

Reward. Dial 32897. RAINCOAT- -Man's light tan: lost Thurs. day on Larchmont bus: reward. Dial 43530.

SAILBOAT- 14-foot plywood. white sides gray deck and co*ckpit. green bottom. Finder write Mr. Moffatt, 11 Cavalier Hampton, Va.

Liberal reward. SAILBOAT 16-ft. lost Thisildew. Reward for return. Dial 81712.

SKIFF- Found: 15-foot: washed ashore at Ocean Park. Owner can have by Daying salvage. Dial 45933. Lost. brown wallet containing cash.

Navy identification card. personal effects. Address Ensign M. Alteneu. Shelton' Armed Guard School.

Norfolk. AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles For Sale BUICK-1941 special five-passenger sedanette: equipped with radio, heater and seat covers: perfect mechanical condition: very attractive price. Perry Buick Granby St. at 15th. Dial 21675.

BUICK-1941 sedanette; perfect 2-tone paint: 21.000 actual miles: prewar tires: radio: heater: defroster: air-conditioned: perfect motor: spotless upholstery. See Stallings at 26th St. and Co. Ionial Ave. BUICKS- Two 1941 Special 5-passenger sedanettes: fully equipped with extras such as radio, heater, defroster: clean as any used car can be.

See them in our new car showroom. Perry Buick Granby St, at 15th or Dial 25313. BUICK-1941 super 5-passenger coupe perfect car with full equipment including radio, heater. for lights: beautiful unscarred two-tone finish: spotless inside Norfolk Motor CadillacOldsmobile Dealer. 905 Granby St.

Open evenings until 10. BUICK-1912 super sedanette: low mileage and original tires like new: as clean a car as you will find anywhere: perfeet throughout. Norfolk Motor Co. Cadillac-Oldsmobile Dealer, 905 Granby St. Open evenings until .10.

BUICK-1941 Super 5-passenger coupe: perfect car with full equipment, including radio. heater, fog lights: beautiful unscarred two-tone finish: spotless inside. Norfolk Motor Co. CadillacOldsmobile Dealer. 905 Granby St.

Open evenings until. 10. BUICK 1941 spectate sedanette: only 7,000 miles: 0. S. Royal tires like new: heater.

radio: black finish; outstanding buy. Colonial Chevrolet Corp. Boush St. and Olney Rd. Dial 27071.

Open evenings until 9. CHEVROLET-1034 two-door sedan, $125 cash. Private owner, Apply Monday or Tuesday 319 Naval Base Road. Oakdale Farms. CHEVROLET-1940 five-passenger coupe: good tires.

Can be seen at 145 W. ney Rd. CHEVROLET TWO 1941 Town sedans: good tires. Dial 26847. CHEVROLETS-2 1940 town sedans: only 15.000 miles and perfect in every respect: fully equipped: extra good tires: spotless interior: wonderful values.

Colonial Chevrolet Corp. Boush St. and Olney Rd. Dial 27071. Open evenings until 9.

CHEVROLET-1940 Master de luxe: four. door sedan: with radio, heater. extra good tires, clean upholstery and beauti. ful new dark-green finish. Driven 000 miles.

Nick Wright Motor 21 st corner Colonial Ave. Dial 48499. CHEVROLET-1941 special de luxe sport sedan, 20.000 actual miles. locally owned. exceptionally clean, good tires See Horace Cox.

at Town Motor Mart. corner Princess Anne Road and Granby St. CHEVROLET 1941 town sedan: good tirest. radio, heater: low mileage. Dial 29141 after 6:30 p.

m. CHRYSLER-1941 two-door sedan. with radio, heater fluid drive and overdrive. Will sell at a sacrifice price. Nick Wright Motor Co.

21st corner Colonial Ave. Dial 48492. CHRYSLER 1940 Windsor four -door touring sedan: only 16.000 miles and exceptionally clean: perfect tires: nice paint: A-1: real buy Colonial Chevrolet Corp. Boush St. and Olney Rd.

Dial 27071. Open evenings CHRYSLER-1941 New Yorker four-door sedan with extras such as radio and heater: only 13,000 miles and in new car condition; gleaming black fin. ish: attractive price. Colonial Chevro. let Corp.

Boush St. and Olner Rd. Dial 27071. Open evenings until 9. DE SOTO-1941 two-door sedan, with fluid drive and overdrive: in excellent condition.

See this one today. Nick Wright Motor 21st St. corner Colonial Ave. Dial 48422. DE SOTO-1937 sedan, radio, heater: excellent rubber Mechanically perfect, $375.

Dial 49947. Apply 236 W. 92 nd. St. DODGE 1941 Custom de luxe 4-door sedan: fluid drive: tally equipped with directional lights.

radio, better with defroster, also temperature control: elec trie clock: original light blue finish and interior beautiful: brand-new prewar A ON Dial 50874. AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles For Sale DODGE 1937 model 4-door sedan: good tires, $350. Dial 33613. DODGE- 3 1941 four -door touring sedans equipped with radio and heater: your choice of black. maroon and gray fin.

ieh: only 5.000 miles: spotless inside and out. Colonial Chevrolet Corp. Boush St. and Olney Rd. Dial 27071, Open evenings until 9.

DODGE- 1041 fluid drive two door sedan: radio: heater: good tires. 844 Grands St. Dial 35022. DODGE-1037 sedan. Heater.

radio, good tires: $450. 2121 Herman Orerbrook. Dial 51537 after 5 p. m. DODGE 1942 four-door touring sedan: low.

mileage and in top condition: perfect tires: gleaming blue finish: spot. less inside: beater: real buy. Norfolk Motor Dealer. 905 Granby St. Open evenings until 10.

DODGE- 1941 club coupe: low mileage: excellent tires: perfect finish. A beautiful sporty job in exceptionally fine condition. Luhring Motor 21st corner Manteo St. Dial 23368. FORD- -1041 fordor sedan: good tires: radio: heater.

Lot Granby and High Sts. Dial FORD -1939 de luxe tudor: 26,000 miles: family car: $625. Dial 51168. FORD-1937 four door sedan in good con. dition: equipped with radio, heater, etc first $300 takes it.

Dial 81511, FORD 1936 sedan. 850 Cooke Brambleton. Dial 21373. FORD-1941 convertible coupe; radio and -heater: good tires: low mileage. Chory Motor 2001 Granby St.

FORD-1938 sedan. good motor. good tires. $375. Dial 21481.

2301 Granby St. and N. R. FORD- 1041 super de luxe coach: original green finish is like new; equipped with heater, seat covers. and General Dual tires.

Cavalier Motors. Used Car 725-729 Granby St. Dial 51591. FORDS 4 1941 fudor and fordor sedans: 6,000 to 10,000 miles: all fully equip ped and in perfect condition throughout: different colors. Colonial Chevrolet Boush St.

and Olney Rd. Dial 27071. Open evenings until 9. HUDSON-1942 Super four door dan: 11,000 miles: 5 good as new tires. Can be seen at 402 Russell Ports.

mouth. LA SALLE-1940 four-door touring sedan: low mileage and white wall tires like new: gleaming black. unscarred finish; spotless upholstery: perfect car. Colonial Chevrolet Corp. Boush St.

and Olney Rd. Dial 27071. Open evenings until 9. LINCOLN -ZEPHYR 1941 club coupe: equipped with heater. seat covers and overdrive: it von are looking for a car of this quality, be sure to see this one.

Cavalier Motors. Inc. Used Car 725-729 Granby St. Dial 51521. MERCURY -1942 convertible 5-passenger coupe.

You must have priority. Dial 28174. MERCURY- 1940 convertible coupe: good upholstery: good motor: new tires: new recaps radio: heater. 1138 Ingleside Road. Broad Creek Village.

MERCURY 1941 5-passenger coupe beantiful light green finish; perfect tires: custom radio and heater. GreenGifford Motor Corp. 1003 Liberty South Norfolk, MERCURY- 1941 coach: original maroon finish is like new: has radio. heater and seat covers: good rubber. Calavier tors, Used Car.

725-729 Granby St. Dial 51521. NASH-1941 coupe: radio, heater: blue paint: like new inside and out: bargain price for quick sale: trade and terms. Dial 49206. Bee0 Motors, Granby and 13th Sta.

Open evenings. OLDSMOBILE-1943 coach: low mileage and spotless inside and out: not a mark on its beautiful finish: so slightly used you can't tell it from new. Norfolk Motor Co. Cadillac-Oldsmobile Dealer. 905 Granby St.

Open evenings until 10. OLDSMOBILE-1941 four door sedan with hydra-matic drive: only 5,000 miles, spare new: fully equipped and as near like-new as any car could be. Colonial Chevrolet Boush St. and Olney Rd. Dial 27071.

Open evenings until 9. OLDSMOBILE 1942 5-passenger coupe: 4.000 actual miles and absolutely perfect: new car guarantee: priority required. Colonial Chevrolet Boush St. and Olney Rd. Dial 97071.

Open evenings until 9. PLYMOUTH-1941 De Luxe 4-door sedan; good condition throughout: $1,150. 419 Pendleton St. Phone Berkley 1545-J. PLYMOUTHS4 1941 two.door and fourdoor sedans: 8.000 to 11,000 miles: fully equipped.

including radio and heater: different colors: attractive prices. Colonial Chevrolet Corp. Boush St. and Olnev Rd. Dial 27071, Open evenings until 9.

PLYMOUTH-1041 Special de luxe sedan: practically new tires: many extras: low mileage. Seen at 4911 Newport Are. Apt. 4. PLYMOUTH-1941 seven-passenger.

four. door sedan, with radio and all-weather conditioned heater: excellent condition throughout. We sold this car new and have always serviced and will guarantee it. Nick Wright Motor Co. 21 at corner.

Colonial Ave. Dial 48429. PLYMOUTH-1943 3-door de luxe sedan: clean: perfect condition: heater: rea sonably priced. Dial 33737. PLYMOUTH-1941 cabriolet, very clean, automatic top, good tires.

Horace Cox, at Town Motor Mart. corner Princess Anne Road and Granby St. PLYMOUTH-1940 de luxe four door se. dan with five good pre-war tires: equipped with radio and de luxe heater: original black finish perfect. You must see and drive this car to tully appreciate its value.

Park Ave. Garage. Park Ave. corner Armstrong St. (Bramble.

ton Section). PLYMOUTH-1939 business coupe, good rubber: motor and body excellent radio, heater. Apply 1264 27th St. PLYMOUTH-1940 de luxe two-door touring sedan with heater: extra good mechanical condition: good tires all around: clean upholstery: nice paint: real buy at our price. Virginia Motor and Sales Corp.

Granby al 11th St. Dial 23203 or 46951. PLYMOUTH-1938 4 door sedan. tires, private owner. Dial 80501.

PONTIAC-1942 5-passenger coupe: low mileage and in perfect condition throughout: full de luxe equipment: an exceptionally nice value. Norfolk Motor Cadillac-Oldsmobile Dealer. 905 Granby St. Open evenings until 10, PONTIAC-1941 convertible coupe: radio and heater: low mileage. Dial 35022 PONTIAC 1934: good very low price.

Apply 304 Park Ave. Dial 50807. 5-passenger streamliner 2-door sedan: practically new: privately owned. Apply 16' Dahlgren Cradock. No dealers.

PONTIAC-1939: best offer takes this 5-passenger de luxe excellent condition: good rubber. No dealers. Apply rental office Liberty Homes, Old Suffolk road and Shea street, near Simonsdale. PONTIAO-1941 coupe and 1941 four-door sedan: mileage as low as fully equipped. including radio and heater: these cars are like new in appearance and mechanically; real buys.

Norfolk Motor Cadillae-Oldsmobile Dealer, 905 Granby St. Open evenings until 10. PONTIAC 1941 convertible: fully equipped. Can be seen at 145 W. Olnes Rd.

Hours 8 to 8 or Phone 26847. PONTIAC-1941 Chieftain 8 sedanette: fine car with. only 7,000 miles and equipped with radio and heater: black finish: spare tire new. Colonial Chevro: let Boush St. and Olney Rd.

Dial 27071. Open evenings until 9. PONTIAC- 1949 Torpedo sedan: driven only 8.000 miles and perfect: equipped with radio. heater, seat covers: real buy: priority required. Bruce-Flournoy Motor Co.

21st and Manteo Sta. PONTIAC-1941 custom torpedo 5-passen ger four-door sedan: full de luxe equip ment, including heater and radio: very clean upholstery: 5 good tires: mechani cally guaranteed. Perry Buick Corp Granby St. at 15th, Dial 21675. STUDEBAKER-1940 Commander club sedan, radio.

heater. practically new tires. Dial 91911. AUTOMOTIVE DISPLAY WANTED Fords, Chevrolets, Plymouths 5-Passenger Models See Carmean or Wood GRIFFIN MOTOR CO. 172 Granby St.

Dial 22604 WILL PAY CASH For Late Model, Five-Passenger Buicks, Chevrolets, Pontiacs. Fords and Oldsmobiles See Mr. Darden PERRY BUICK CORP. Granby St. at 15th Dial 21675 AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles For Sale Good Used Cars- Reasonably 1 GRIFFIN MOTOR COMPANY 772 Granby St.

Dial. 12 Trucks For Sale CHEVROLET-1036 one and one-ball ton: stake body: 3000 condition: all good tires. Dial 44497. FORD 1039 Ford: panel: 1938 Interna. tional panel.

Both half-ton. Excellent condition. 1408 E. Olney Rd. FORD- 1938 one and one-hall ton.

short wheel base. motor and tires in condition. Apply J. D. Woodard Son.

Courtland. Va. FORD 31 pickup; licenses and stamp: A-1 motor tires. heater: $150 cash. Dial 81829.

G. M. C. SALES. PARTS, SERVICE General Truck Sales Co.

Inc. 21st and Manteo Sts. Dial 41310 12A Auto Trailers Coaches 12A COLONIAL HEIGHTS- 3300 Cottage Toll Rd. 22-11. trailer: cond condition: sleeps 4.

1941 model: fully equipped. HOUSE TRAILERS -Popular make: large stock: new, used: buy, sell or trade: easy terms. Edgerton Trailer 1400 Montirello Ave Dial 22076. LA SALLE TRAILER- -1942: 3, rooms: Venetian blinds: sleeps privately owned: attractive price for quick sale. American Motor and Trailer Exchange, 410 Compostella Road.

Phone Berkley 570. TRAILER- Palace Royale 24. ft. 1941: excellent condition: steel top. Masonite sides, new heavy duty tires.

D. Schneider, Vann's Trailer Camp. East Ocean View. Call afternoon or evening. REEL TRAILER SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY 21st St.

at Omohundro Ave. Dial 48558 House Trailers- -Pay Like Rent -See Ua Before You Buy, Sell or Trade HARRELL TRAILER COMPANY Featuring new Liberty. Alma and Prairie Schooner Monticello trailers. Also good used trailers, 1809 Ave. corner 19th St.

Dial 41409 GUARANTEED HOUSE TRAILERS $100 DOWN Balance Like Rent Make Your Selection Now From Our Large Stock Coleman and Preway Stove Pants Preway Oven Stoves Largest Dealers in the East Russ Equipment Co. 300-312 W. 21st STREET Dial 48301 Open Evenings 13 Auto Tires -Supplies 13 RELINERS GRADE III TIRES VULCANIZING- -RECAPPING PEP TIRE SERVICE 783. Monticello Ave. Dial 51896 Quality and Service Since 1919 TRUCK SERVICE GARAGE 852 Granby St.

Dial 53372 17 Wanted -Automotive 17 AUTOMOBILES Get the most: when you sell: we need cars at once and will pay top prices. American Motor and Trailer Exchange, 410 Campostella Road. Phone Berkley 570. PONTIAC- Will pay cash for 1942 streamliner four door sedan or streamliner five-passenger coupe. Must be clean and have low mileage.

Will consider 1941 model nice. No dealers. Write what you have to Box 665, care Norfolk Newspapers. TRUCK Wanted. 1939 to 1943 licht panel truck: in good condition.

Call Mr. Howard. 24807. USED CARS- We want 50 at once. any sell model: until must be in good condition: don't you get our top prices.

See Mr. Moorman. Bruce Flournoy Motor Co. 21st and Manteo Sta. VAN TRAILER- -Wanted one 1940 or 1941 for cash.

Prefer Write Belch Motor Express, Box 43. Tyner, N. C. or eall, collect, Edenton. N.

C. Center Hill 191. WANTED TO BUY- Late model used car. Dial 84698. 24-Hour Service DIGGS 3203 E.

Princess Anne Rd. Expert Vulcanizing Phone 22845 CLOSED SUNDAYS and MONDAYS 14 Autos and Trucks For Hire TRUCKS- For hire: tractor, trailer and 3 Chevrolets: 1 Jones Warehouse Co. Dial 27303. 15 Motorcycles 15 Model windshield: $300 cash. Apply 802 Raleigh Apt.

1. after 5:30 p. m. INDIANS 1941 and Scouts: good condition: good tires. 202 E.

Sewells Point Rd. MOTORCYCLE 1939 Harley-Davidson model -excellent condition: fully equipped: cash or terms. Granby Mo. tor 1918 Granby St. MOTORCYCLE- 1941 Indian.

cylinder. 8.000 miles. Good tires: excellent runnite condition. Dial 82384. We Buy and Sell Motorcycles NORFOLK MOTORCYCLE COMPANY 719 Granby St.

Dial 22022 16 Repairing, Service Stations 16 PONTIAC SERVICE First-Class Mechanics. Reasonable Charges. MEEKINS MOTOR CO. INC. Monticello Avenue and 14th Street DE SOTO PLYMOUTH We Repair All Makes.

Body Fender and Painting Specialists. F. A. ROETHKE, INC. Monticello Ave, at Eleventh St.


Dial 53538 Between Colley and Colonial Aves. DEAD AUTO STORAGE 21st Corner Colonial Ave. Call Mr. Dickerson, 46461 BRAKES RELINED Truck Repairing Our Specialty AUTOMOTIVE DISPLAY For the BEST in Used Cars COME TO VIRGINIA'S LARGEST CHEVROLET DEALER Colonial Chevrolet Corp. Boush St.

and Olney Road Open Evenings Until 9 WANTED USED CARS 1937 to 1942 MODELS TOP PRICES PAID NORFOLK MOTOR CO. Cadilac-Oldsmobile Dealer 905 Granby St. Dial 25388 WANTED 500 LATE MODEL USED CARS Highest Cash Prices Paid KLINE SALES Granby 13th Sta. Dial 31814 Best Cash Prices FOR USED CARS MASON-HAYNES CORP. 1308 High St.

Phone Porta. 2304.

The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.